Monday, 22 September 2008

Losing my mind

I think I'm losing my mind waiting for our album to be finished. It's taking such a long time, the longest we've ever spent on a record. Which is good, cos it means we're not rushing things like we have in the past. But I'm getting impatient now. I want to it to be ready now. I want people to hear it. I am immensely proud of what we have so far. I just wish we had the money to complete it.

We finally have a title for it too. It's well good. Check out this video with our mate Dr. J

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Thanks for the smoke

Infinity Milk

Check out this blog page by our friend Sean, he does some really nice artwork.

First post

So, this is our blogging page.
I'm sure things will be put up on it at some point soon.

We're still working on our third record, which currently has no name.

Our gig last night got shut down by the police before we got to play, which sucked hard. We can now add that to the long list of stupid things that have happened to us over the past four years or so. It's not like we were having a Skins party or owt. Weird feelings today for sure.

Anyway, here's Peaches Geldof showing off her amazing vocal talents with her equally amazing band. God, I love her band. Aren't they brilliant?