Sunday, 9 November 2008

Broken jaws, unfinished albums

A few weeks ago, our multi-instrumentalist cheeky-boy Wes got assaulted on a night out and got his jaw broken in two places, which meant that he had to have surgery and lots of rest. He's had another bit of surgery this weekend so it's meant that we've had to pull out of a few shows, so sorry if you were coming to any of them and didn't see us there.

While he's been in a bed either at his home or at hospital, we did a little more recording with Jon Fearon from the lovely band The Longcut. We finished off the guitars (finally!) and we started work on the trombone/flugle/trumpet sections, which sound pretty sexy so far. I also got to go nuts with a megaphone and lots of delay on one of the weirder songs on the record called "Cosmic Horse" and started work on a really nice synth song which will lead into the last couple of songs on the record.

We just need to get back in and finish up work on the brass then hopefully that'll be the end of it and we can finally get it out and stop stressing so much about it. This is the longest we've ever spent on recording and it's both frustrating and rewarding in equal measures. If anyone wants to just give us some money to help us fund completing the fucker we'd be very very appreciative!