Sunday 6 March 2011

2011... what happened?

So yeah, we pretty much took a long break and now we're back.

But we do things when we want to, so sometimes that means nothing at all for months then a flurry of activity. So it's best to keep your eyes open.

Our album INTO THE COMET is out now, head over to and you can buy it there!

We're working on some new stuff right now.
We have a new website - - it gets updated sometimes.

That's all!
See you around.

Oh yeah - April 16th, come to this:

Thursday 15 October 2009

Hey! How are you? Oh good

Hello you

We are very pleased to announce that our new album will be available to download from November 9th. Then we'll have it out on vinyl for our show on November 21st! More info about all that on our Myspace, so please go check that out!

This record has been a very long time in the making, and we are all pretty exhausted now the process has finally come to an end. It might be time to sit back and think about what we wanna do next. For the time being, we're all focussing on our lives outside of DFA - we all play in other bands, have lame jobs and other commitments, but the spark is still there. So who knows?

In the meantime, why don't you check out what else we do, and say hi! We're more likely to come to your town with these bands, so come down and say hi there too! Check these out, yeah!?!?!?!...

I (Ian) play in BORLAND (, we just released a new EP and have an album out next year! I also play in WELL WISHER ( - we like to party!

Simmo plays in KING VULTURE ( with our guitarist Adam's big brother. He also has his own music, ( which is really, really good!

Wez and Adam both play in ESKIMO COWBOY ( so give them a listen and be their friends!

So thanks yo! We'll update a bit more this month with info about the record.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Been a long time

Time flies.

I went to America for a long time, then came home and we re-mixed Into The Comet and played a show in Scotland. Fun times!

So, September -

One show (not two as I previously posted!):

Saturday 12th September - Yorkshire House, Lancaster - with Kayo Dot and Manatees, more to be announced soon.

Album launch will come soon.

Some videos and photos from the past few months will make it online soon. In the meantime, check out this blog: for some fun shit about my radical travels.

Tuesday 28 April 2009


Top 10 songs of 2009 so far:

1. Animal Collective - My Girls
2. Bat For Lashes - Glass
3. Eskimo Cowboy - The People Started Walking
4. Mount Kimbie - Maybes
5. The Longcut - Repeated
6. Zombi - Spirit Warrior
7. Dananananaykroyd - Black Wax
8. Borland - Wildlife
9. Phoenix - Lisztomania
10. Mastodon - Oblivion

All rad. Get them in your head.
Our album is now mixed. Mastering. The release. Holy shit!

Wednesday 8 April 2009


We're about halfway through the mixing process now, so we decided to put a rough mix of one of the shortest and most ridiculously AMAZING songs called Cosmonaut.

Go to and see for yourself. All feedback, good or bad, is welcome! :)

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Making plans

Sitting in work
Can't sit still
Almost finished the record
Giddy idiot
Looking for a mill
To set up a bluescreen
Looking online
To get shit DUNN

Monday 2 March 2009

Recording - done. Mixing - next!

This weekend we finished up the recording of our new album. It was a joyous occasion. This week I've got some days off work to spend sitting at home adjusting the sounds of VST synthesizer plug-ins and walking around parties with a mini-disc player and a microphone caputing party spirit. Maybe try and be really pretentious and record some silence up on the Moors ("Now I'm recording Tony fucking Wilson" etc)

So the mixing process finally begins. Soon. Don't know when though.

Our good mate Andrew MacDonald should be handling artwork duties, go check out his blog:

More updates later with some more shitty photos and videos.
