Thursday 15 October 2009

Hey! How are you? Oh good

Hello you

We are very pleased to announce that our new album will be available to download from November 9th. Then we'll have it out on vinyl for our show on November 21st! More info about all that on our Myspace, so please go check that out!

This record has been a very long time in the making, and we are all pretty exhausted now the process has finally come to an end. It might be time to sit back and think about what we wanna do next. For the time being, we're all focussing on our lives outside of DFA - we all play in other bands, have lame jobs and other commitments, but the spark is still there. So who knows?

In the meantime, why don't you check out what else we do, and say hi! We're more likely to come to your town with these bands, so come down and say hi there too! Check these out, yeah!?!?!?!...

I (Ian) play in BORLAND (, we just released a new EP and have an album out next year! I also play in WELL WISHER ( - we like to party!

Simmo plays in KING VULTURE ( with our guitarist Adam's big brother. He also has his own music, ( which is really, really good!

Wez and Adam both play in ESKIMO COWBOY ( so give them a listen and be their friends!

So thanks yo! We'll update a bit more this month with info about the record.


Craig Taylor-Broad said...

Is it going to be on CD?

Is it possible to get a copy for review as I write for

Ian motherfucker Breen said...

At the minute we only have a label for the vinyl, but there'll be a couple of CDs in with that too. Wanna review an mp3 version of it?